Answers to our most commonly asked questions.
Question # 1.
Do you perform background checks? Will damaged credit be a deciding factor?
We perform a number of checks including: credit, employment, past rentals, criminal, tax record, and utility bills. Our top concern is quality rental history. You are not disqualified by poor credit alone. RRR strictly follows guidelines set by Texas tenant laws and score everyone equally and fairly.
Question # 2
May I pay rent online? Do you accept Cash or Credit Cards?
Paying rent online is easy and required by RRR. We make it easy and simple to pay your rent online. If the final day to pay your rent falls on a weekend or Holiday you can still submit an online payment and be considered on time. Even though your rent may not come out of your bank account that day you are still considered on time if you submit your payment by the end of the day on the first of the month. There is a $2 charge to pay with your checking account and routing number. While we do accept credit cards and debit cards, there is a small processing fee.
Question #3:
There is a maintenance problem, but I’m scared I’ll get charged if I report it.
Do not fear retaliation from RRR! Report any problems you have. If it is something caused by you or your guests, then you are responsible for the repair. Not repairing the issue can often cause more damage to the property, which means even more cost to you down the road. Many times this fear is unjustified. Homes are built with many components that wear out over time due to regular use. Most landlords appreciate your diligence in regards to the upkeep of their home, and often make maintenance exceptions for exceptional tenants.
Question # 4
Can I paint the property, or make modifications/repairs myself?
Not without prior approval. Tenants are not allowed to do repairs, painting or modifications. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to paint or make repairs properly. Owners do allow some exceptions though. Call RRR with questions concerning repairs, modification, or painting.
Question # 5
Can I use my security deposit for the last month’s rent?
The security deposit cannot be used in lieu of the last month’s rent.
Question # 6
When do I get my deposit back?
Typically, your deposit will be returned within 30 days after move-out. We hold your deposit for a time after move-out, as required by Texas law, until any damages to the property can be assessed.
Question # 7
When is rent late?
After the FIRST day of the month rent is considered late and we begin charging a daily late fee after the THIRD day of the month. Rent can be paid on your Tenant Portal anytime up until the THIRD day of the month. You can set up an auto payment so you never forget to pay your rent by the first of the month.
Question # 8
I’ve run into unexpected financial difficulties. Will the landlord work with me?
We understand financial issues may arise sometimes. The owner has no obligation to offer rent concessions. However, if you have a “temporary” issue, the owner might be open to make payment accommodations. Call our office if you would like to discuss options before the first of the month.
Question # 9
What are RRR’s hours? What if I have a maintenance emergency after-hours?
Our office is opened by appointment Monday – Thursday, 10:00am – 5:00pm. The office at 13233 HWY 155 South in Tyler TX is open during those hours most of the time but it is always good to call first if you need to talk to someone specifically to make sure they are in the office. In case of an emergency maintenance issues, please call the office number (903-486-3315) and press 1 to be connected to the emergency maintenance phone line.